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From February 22nd – February 25th, the team of the German-Baltic Future Foundation and people interested in starting their work with us met in Darmstadt. Once a year we come together in the Haus der Deutsch-Balten in Darmstadt to discuss our plans for the current year, our organization and our ideas and goals for the future. Besides the team, new people joined to get to know our work and get involved.

We looked back at the last year and discussed what went well and what needs to be improved. This year, we also had two workshops to discuss new opportunities and topics for us to approach in our seminars, events and the conference. This helped us turn our attention to the future of the Future Foundation and our plans for the current and upcoming years.

The country offices, GBYEN and the Cluster and Conference Coordination presented their ideas for the year 2024. Another big topic was our marketing strategies and networking with our target groups. The year 2024 has just begun recently, but we are already in full working mode to try to create many cool and interesting events for you – so look out on our websites and social media (@dbzukunftsstiftung).

The evenings gave us time to mingle and get to know each other better and exchange thoughts and ideas. On our first day, we also had some great Ice Breakers which led to new insights about each other and lots of laughs. Since we all work from different locations, it was very nice to meet in person and get the chance to discuss ideas and feedback intensely.

We are looking forward to all that is to come and hope to see you there!

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